What is a Fellowship? 

"Fellowship" is simply another word for "scholarship." It involves national competition for a merit-based award. Awardees receive funding, and in some cases mentoring, for a wide array of opportunities such as research programs and projects (domestic and overseas), internships, graduate study, study abroad and experiential learning. "Competition" is a key word: these opportunities are highly competitive. But do not let this deter you. The application process is a learning opportunity in itself, which will enhance your undergraduate education as well as your future professional role.The Pacific Fellowship Office works with students applying for all external funding opportunities.

Get advice from Pacific’s own applicants for national scholarships.

Student Ambassadors

Fulbright Scholarship

  • Jesse Herche (Biology, Conservatory)
  • Justine Tang (Biology)
  • Janos Csontos (Conservatory)
  • Sonam Virk (SIS)
  • Amy Wyckoff (SIS)

Truman Scholarship

  • David Carranza (Economics, Prepharmacy)

UK Scholarships (Marshall, Gates-Cambridge, Rhodes)

  • Jesse Herche

Critical Language Scholarship

  • David Carranza
  • Cheyanne Harris (Civil Engineering)


Carnegie Junior Fellows Program

  • Sonam Virk

Goldwater Scholarship

  • Jesse Herche

Boren Scholarship 

  • Cheyanne Harris

Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)

  • Aroosa Ahmed (Psychology)


Send an email to peeradvisor@022aode.com and specify which Ambassador(s) you wish to reach.

Freshmen Fellowship Opportunities

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion summer program for American undergraduate and graduate students. With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides study opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning. Most languages offered by the CLS Program do not require applicants to have any experience studying critical languages. The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of professional, regional, cultural and academic backgrounds in the United States. Participants are selected based on their commitment to language learning and plans to apply their language skills to their future academic or professional pursuits. The CLS Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is part of a U.S. government interagency effort to dramatically expand the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. Pacific students may continue their study of Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, or Arabic, or begin to learn one of the other 13 languages offered by the program, provided they can present strong academic and professional reasons for doing so.

National Deadline: mid-November.

The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the UK.  These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18), with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK on a three, four, five or six week academic and cultural summer program. The Summer Institutes will cover the majority of participant costs.  This includes round-trip airfare from the US to the UK, tuition and fees at the host university/institution, accommodation and meals and in some cases a small daily allowance.  The topics and sites of the institutes vary from year to year.

National Deadline: late February/early March   

The Gilman aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to U.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints. Applicants must be receiving a Pell Grant.  Note that the Gilman will not cover the entire cost of a study abroad program.

National Deadline: varies depending on study abroad program start date (fall, spring, summer).

Sophomore Fellowship Opportunities

The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is a gateway to graduate education at CIC universities. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students (US citizens and permanent residents) who pursue graduate study and research careers in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. SROP provides intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities.  Applicants should have a strong interest in pursuing a Ph.D. Benefits include a stipend, travel, and room and board. 

National Deadline: Nov. 1 to early February (rolling)  

Since 1992, the Leadership Alliance has encouraged students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities to pursue competitive applications to graduate schools and research careers (PhD or MD-PhD) in the academic, public and private sectors. SR-EIP is a gateway to ongoing resources, mentoring and professional networks to support all participants along their chosen career path. With one application, apply for a research experience at three of the 22 summer research sites.

Deadline: Feb. 1 (applications accepted as early as Nov. 1).

Amgen Scholars allows undergraduates from across the globe to participate in cutting-edge research opportunities at world-class institutions. You must have an interest in pursuing a PhD or MD-PhD to apply. 17 leading institutions across the U.S., Europe, and Japan currently host the summer program. US students may apply to either US or Japanese sites. Undergraduate participants undertake a research project under top faculty, share a cohort-based experience of seminars and networking events, and take part in a symposium in their respective region (U.S., Europe or Japan) where they meet their peers, learn about biotechnology, and hear from leading scientists. No previous research experience is necessary and you do not need to be a biology major to apply. Financial support is a critical component of the Amgen Scholars Program. Please note that details vary by host institution. See each institution's Amgen Scholars Program website for more information.

Deadline: Feb. 2   Leadership Alliance (see Freshmen).

Boren Scholarships provides funding for intensive language study abroad for a minimum of 6 months (only STEM students may propose summer programs alone). Boren focuses on geographic areas, languages and fields of study that are critical to US national security interests, in countries outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Applicants may propose to begin study of a language not taught at Pacific, or continue their study of Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, French, or Spanish. See Boren website for campus timeline.  

National Deadline: early February.

Additional funding is available with these opportunities. 

Junior Fellowship Opportunities

The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Programs provide academic and professional preparation for outstanding candidates to enter the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service, representing America's interests abroad. Pickering Fellows are undergraduate and graduate students in academic programs relevant to international affairs, political and economic analysis, administration, management, and science policy. Women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need are encouraged to apply. Pickering Fellows receive mentoring, professional development, and financial support. Upon successful completion of the Foreign Service examination, Pickering Fellows make a commitment to a minimum of five years of service in an appointment as Foreign Service Officer.

National Deadline: Feb. 7

The Harry S. Truman Foundation Scholarship Program gives exceptional college juniors who have demonstrated potential to become change agents in public service careers an opportunity to refine their goals and plan their graduate studies. Successful applicants have a history of individual accomplishment as change agents, and are able to show how their past achievements connect to their plans for the future.  Foundation Scholarships award up to $30,000 for graduate studies in the U.S. or abroad in a very broad range of careers dedicated to public service. Truman Scholars participate in leadership training programs, career and graduate school counseling, and special internship opportunities within the federal government. More than 600 students apply each year for 55 to 65 spots.

National Deadline: Feb. 3
Requires University Nomination

Senior and Recent Graduate Fellowship Opportunities

The Fulbright US Student Program is the largest US exchange program, offering opportunities for recent college graduates and young professionals to undertake international graduate study, research, university teaching and primary and secondary teaching worldwide. The program currently awards approximately 1900 grants annually in all fields of study and operates in more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright Scholars are chosen for their academic excellence and leadership potential and given the opportunity to participate in intercultural exchange of political, economic and cultural ideas.

National Deadline: Oct. 16

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship program was established in October 2000 by a donation of $210,000,000 US Dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. The selection criteria are: outstanding intellectual ability; leadership potential; a commitment to improving the lives of others. Approximately 800 US students apply for 40 spots.

National Deadline: Oct. 15 (Dec. 2 for non-US citizens) 

Additional funding is available with these opportunities.